We believe successful financial planning enables you to take control of your finances. One of the most important things we do for our clients is listen. Only by getting to know you, your ambitions and your concerns, can we truly help you to achieve the things you want from life.
Perhaps you want to set aside money for your child’s education, or pay for a wedding. You might want to start a business, take that round-the-world trip, or maybe you simply want to grow and protect your wealth and ensure a healthy income for retirement.
An independent financial adviser will look at your short, medium and long-term goals and work with you to help you reach them. You may even find you have financial needs you’ve not yet considered. An adviser’s professional experience can help address them for you.

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Wealthcare’s personal client service
For personal clients, we offer two levels of ongoing review service as well as an administration-only service:
Proposition 1: Level 1 Review Service
You would like your portfolio reviewing on a six-monthly basis and would also like the opportunity to discuss more regularly where circumstances dictate. You may also have complex tax issues which you would like reviewing, possibly with regards to inheritance tax or lifetime allowance issues with regards to your pension assets. You may also like to view your information securely online and store any important documentation in a secure environment.
Proposition 2: Level 2 Review Service
You would like your portfolio reviewing on an annual basis. You may not consider yourself to be an experienced investor or feel you have limited knowledge and experience and would still like things explained to you. At your review, we will consider any adjustments that may be required for your goals and objectives to remain on track. You may also like to view your information securely online and store any important documentation in a secure environment.
Proposition 3: Administration-Only Service
Whilst you do not require the formality of an annual review, you are at a stage in your life that requires you to accumulate capital towards a longer-term goal. You would like online access to the policy information we hold for you and to enable you to update your personal information. No ongoing advice is provided with this service, however, you would like us to be available to discuss your plans on an initial advice service, pay-as-you-go basis. (A monthly fee applies for this service).